Wednesday, February 25, 2009

An Interview with Agaliarept, the Henchman

Interview with:
Agaliarept, the Henchman
(Subservient to, Lucifugus)

An Interview by Chick Evens and

Ruler of the Tenth Hour of the Night
(Tent in Rank, in the Order of Demon in Hell)

Note: This interview is being given to Chick Evens, by of a third party (THN), who is asking Chick Evens’ questions to Agaliarept, since this can not be done in person:

THN: Agaliarept, what’s your nationality?

Agaliarept: Heaven

THN: What is your patriotic allegiance?

Agaliarept: My loyalties are to the Infernal Alliance first and foremost

THN: What is your age?

Agaliarept: for the most part, eternal, perhaps looking 48 or so, it’s hard to tell, I shape change, and can be often seen as animalistic looking

THN: What is your full title?

Agaliarept: I am a demon who is a grand general of Hell and commander of the second legion, I hold sway over Europe and Asia Minor and to control the past and future, Tarihimal is my sidekick, and we are rulers of Elelogap, and we also govern matters connected with water.

THN: What are your characters you’d like others to know about you?

Agaliarept: I am intelligent, not like all my profoundly unwise followers, I am not open-minded, nor care to be, I have no sincerity or sense of justice. I have very little aristocratic appeal, nor am I a gallant gentleman of demons, I am the opposite, and love it; bright lights cause me pain, I am a perfectionist, and have little use for the other type. I voice is hoarse, not soft like, and often not clear, and surely not soothing. I am likened to a brilliant energetic Minister of Hell, a commanding officer, in high rank and I like others to notice that.

THN: What Kind of powers do you have?

Agaliarept: invasion of dreams, choking, and producing nigh mares. These of course are just little ones. I have Telepathy, clairvoyance, flight and teleportation: also capable of generating fire, inducing illusions; able to resurrect corpses, in a zombie like manner, if their souls are hell bound, and cause unconsciousness by a gesture or a hiss to non-Christians. Extensive knowledge in armed and unarmed combat with unnatural strength, speed, agility, stamina comparable to or near to, an angelic being, but far from an archangel.
Ability to manipulate both mortals and immortals into deceit, spite, insanity, hate and pride; also to attain possession of them, for satanic worshippers, make people have ungodly sexual preferences and other ungodly acts: I cannot the present or future, but I can have my Master, Lucifer invest such powers in me for a period of time; I can produce spells to the weaker minds. My invisibility rhetoric, logic, politics and knowledge of many languages allows me to summon in warlike matters.

THN: What is your weakness?

Agaliarept: I’d bet you’d like to know that. Let me just put it this way, the very few that I have are not worthy to tell, but since I agreed to this interview, I’m sure the read would like to know. Angels! I am a demon, not an angel, and I can be removed by them; or a healthy heart towards God, Jesus Christ. Guns, accidents, all those kinds of things I create, they do not harm me; bother me, to the contrary. I don’t enter churches willingly, nor do I care to look at crucifixes, but I can; I avoid them, like holy water, it burns. My brothers often like playing the game of demigod, and when invoked, they try to play Lucifuge Revocable, duplicating him, I don’t care for that game, contrary to my belief, and he is our commander and chief.

THN: What kind of weapons do you use?

Agaliarept: Well, first of all I have them, I do use them, but I don’t need them. Let’s get that clear first. I have can, or sometimes an umbrella, black in color, a silver handle, like my master, it blocks the bright light from me, and I can trip a few folks when I become visible. I do have a concealed 58 cm, blade, a good weapon; it was forged from fires of Hell, it is burning hot, and I start fires with it, and I burn hands with it.

THN: What kind possessions do you have?

Agaliarept: A sliver ring with a big red stone in it, bequeathed to me by Master Focalor that is it.

THN: Who are your closest Friends?

Agaliarept: No sense in using the friend word, I have none, but I do have close affiliations, or better yet, trusted subordinates, whom I really do not trust, such as Buer and Gusoyn, and even Botis; they belong to the second Legion of Spirits, which I command. The assist me in finding out, and discovering the secrets of all the courts in the world.
THN: If I wanted to conjure up a demon, how would I do it?

Agaliarept: First of all, it is not wise to play in areas you are not willing to give your soul to. But on the other hand for the curious minded person, as I know Chick Evens is, you may want to check out, the ”Book of the Key of Solomon” (Sepher Maphteah Shelomoh).

THN: Can you give us the ranks of the underworld?

Agaliarept: The three superior spirits: Lucifer, Emperor, Beelzebuth Prince Astaroth Grand Duke. After that, are six inferior spirits: Lucifuge Rofocale, Prime Minister, Satanachia, Commander-in-Chief, Agaliarept (me), Another Commander, Fleurety, Lieutenant-General Sargatanas, Brigadier-Major Nebiros, Field-Marshal and Inspector-General.

THN: Do Demons Lie?

Agaliarept: That is like asking, “Do humans breath,” of course we lie, it is part of our nature, we are good at it to, professional, we practice it everyday, and even quiz ourselves.

THN: Can you give me the names of some demons off the top of your head working in the world today?

Agaliarept: of course I can, but not sure what for, it isn’t going to do you any good knowing, but ok, I should never have agreed to this review, but you see how I keep my word, make sure, when you write this out, you make me look good. Anyhow, I’ll give you some of the ‘A B & C,’ demon; otherwise this interview will take all week:

AGLASIS; he can transport anything throughout the world.
BARTZABEL: Kabbalistic Demon of Mars. He has the power to raise storms.
Bartzabel has black wings. He is bald with a small black haired ponytail and he is a little chubby.
BECHARD: has power over winds and storms, lightening, rain, hail. BRULEFER: He makes one beloved.
BUCON: He has the power to incite hatred and jealousy between the sexes.
CARNIVEAN: He was a Prince of the Order of Powers. He bestows confidence, boldness and strength.
CARREAU: He was a Prince of the Order of Powers. He gives one control over emotions and bestows strength.
CLAUNECK: has power over goods, money and finances. He can discover hidden treasures and bestow great wealth.
CLISTHERET: She can make day into night and night into day. She is under the power of the Duke "Syrach." She has a green complexion and a large bulbous head like Lucifuge Rofocal and Valefor. She is friendly. -High Priestess Maxine
ELELOGAP: Elelogap is ruled over by Agaliarept and Tarihimal. He has power over the element of Water.

THN: Agaliarept, Mr. Chick Evens, says thank you for the interview, is there anything you’d like to add?
Agaliarept: I kind of operate the secret police down here, and let me warn you up there, there are a number of so called, pantheonic gods who rebelled against being forgotten and, in many cases assumed the names and aspects of a variety of us Demons; so be ware of who you are call up, you may not get what you are looking for, also, a word to the wise, beware of the Demons with cock's heads, huge bellies & knotted tails, they are ruthless.

Written for posterity sake, 2-26-2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

An Ordinary Account of he Evil

An Ordinary Account of the Evil
(Introduction to the New Suspense Stories)

It has seemed to me, often, perhaps too often, war is paralleled with evil, the ultimate of evil, and all the other evil that surrounds man, is omitted as natural observations of the ordinary. We have many accounts of war by Civil War writers, WWI poets, WWII, historians, Vietnam Veterans; coming home mentally disturbed soldiers from Iraq, and Afghanistan. CNN news, and BBC news, and for that matter, all the news media have written of the horrors of war most interestingly and intensely, whereas, the account of the evil men do outside of war, gets a day’s headlines, and then thrown to the wolves to eat and digest, and never to be seen again. Can we not hope to see the real, if not interesting facts about evil lurking out there in our backyards, down the street, wherever we walk nowadays, for more than a day? And punished accordingly?
When a young lad was taking a bus ride across Canada recently, an ordinary traveler for the most part, was at one period of his course sleeping and a man, surrounded by people, alone, pulled out a knife and cut his head off, considering this evil, it got one or two days in the paper at most, and over the internet, and on television. And thereafter, nothing appearing to remain in the news he existed, thus lie down and die, and make the most of it, the beauty of this evil did not catch the eye of the news broadcasters for very long.
I could not contemplate the evil this man did.
Shortly after this, in Argentina, without the blink of an eye, another human being, with admiration for evil to be done, did it, planted, and watered his plan, to perfection in the obscure part of the world; this evil was quickly hushed up, which appears to be because of tourism, and the evil done was a man in a jealous rage who killed his pry, and cut the victim up, put the person into a suitcase of all things, and the media and its world looked to more interesting things after the first day, with unconcern eyes for the Argentina evil, even the news media in Buenos Aires, where it took place… evidently, the situation and suffering of creatures formed after God’s own image, must somehow produce a more lasting despair to keep the publics interest.
There was a man in Austria, most recently, who had kept his daughter in his basement for twenty-years, having sexual intercourse with her, and producing a number of children by her. His wife and family living upstairs, and oblivious to all this; when he was found out, put into jail, and observed like a rat in a cage by the media, psychologists, and criminal officials, for two weeks, for some reason kept the attention of the media, he protested being called a beast, or alike, and folks looked at him and treated him as inhuman. This beats all of course, here is man who deserves to die, and can’t stand the shame of his own evil, and when looked upon for his evil, as a beast, wants his rights as a civil human being. That’s our society though.
It is a shame we need such misery to moll over, showing disregard, and hunger for disappointed evil, evil man wants to digest, and if it is not tasty enough, then it is not worthy the journey to the movies, or reading the second days issue on the subject. (Why then do I write suspense stories you may ask? To reminded people in the future, the past was black!)
In war the dead are dead and forgotten, like animals, we become a frequently overlooked species, but interest holds because war too often has a certain opportunity to observe, it is in the raw, it is ongoing like a movie, civil life is destroyed around the war, as recently in the war with Palestine, or Hamas, and Israel, it got headlines for 21-days, and even the United Nations cursed the Jews, for killing so many Palestinians, they even started to entertain thoughts, of what really is moral and not moral for the Jewish nation to do, to allow them to do to secure their people, on rare occasions they do that, yet for six months prior to this, the United Nations approved the ongoing rocketing that Hamas did on Israel, and to my understanding, Hamas at times shot 300-rockets a day into the land of Israel (perhaps 10,000-in that six month period), and during the war, it weaned down to 50 or 10 a day. It seemed to the world, and news media, and the UN, a fitting enough sight to watch from the accustomed distance they usually give to Israel, and looked less incongruous there than they would by stepping in and condemning Hamas.
Speaking literally, one can hardly say they really wanted to stop evil, per se, rather they wanted to stop Israel from acquiring a lasting peace, had they continued, they would have destroyed the enemy, as we normally do in a war; now, long dead is this peace that could have been.
Regarding another case, most recently, in a small village in Peru, a sister, took a hammer—over sexual jealousy, and pounded her over the head with it until she was dead. Again the news media, and the officials involved, accustomed to the sight of the dead, shocking as it was when it was, it was soon forgotten.
I remember, when I was fifteen years old, a boy of nineteen I hung round with, just started to hang around with, this person I quite thoroughly thought was of whole mind, killed his two nieces, one eighteen months old and one six years old, in a rampage, it was in the paper for one day. Perhaps the discussing occurrence did not agree with the reader’s reality of horror, it was a quality of unreality, yet fact. It had been so immediate and the event was perhaps unpleasant to write, that was back in 1961, nowadays, it would be in a different category, they would send an expert to obtain accuracy of the observation, to confine himself nearby to get unlimited access to the slayer, and then try to sell the greatest number of papers, withdraw from the project and go onto the next. They do this now so fast; it is bagged and completed before the dead are buried.
As time goes by, decade to decade for me, each day, the races of the world allows more evil to grow unabated, and the dead grow larger, I am waiting for the earth to burst open her guts and vomit out the stink. We’ll have to send them in balloons up to the moon soon, they are scattered about like dead maggots all over the place.


Friday, February 13, 2009

A Dark, Dim-lighted Corner (a short , true, story of how the old die)

A Dark, Dim-lighted Corner

It was evening and everyone on the upper three floors of the old folks farm (an old building structure that once was a large farmhouse, a barn somewhat attached to the back of it, on the four acres of land that surrounded the premises) were either receiving visitors, or being attended to by nurses, some of the male patients were down on the first floor, in the pool room, talking, playing pool, spitting in the spittoons, some sitting on the stairways to the second and third floors, selling their leather goods, Ariel Shapiro, a young lad of twelve, went down into the cellar, a dim electric light guided the way down the old wooden cracking noisy stairs. The old lady that in the far corner way in the back of the large cellar, was rocking in her rocking chair by the red hot furnace.
He didn’t remember why he went down those stairs that first time, several months ago, but he did, that is when he met her, and now he’d visit her every time he came to the farm, near North St. Paul, off White Bear Avenue, in Minnesota. It was fall, November of 1959, and it was cold, and Ariel could see the red hot furnace glow from the far-off distance.
You could hear the wheels of the cars racing down White Bear Avenue from deep in the cellar; the road was perhaps a hundred feet from the front of the Farm House. It was always busy near twilight.
Far-off in the corner of the cellar, was the old lady rocking in her chair, a fairly small, thin old woman, with tinted greyish hair, lively little eyes, a turned up nose, pale white skin, a glimmer to her, a serious look on her forehead, her voice not high or low, just the right tone, as if she was used to conversations; there she was rocking away, said,
“Is that you Ariel?”
“Yes ma’am…” he said.
“Then it is best you get on over here and warm up by this old furnace its getting colder by the day, going to get colder come December’s, right around the corner!”

He stood against the wall now, the furnace to her other side,
“Sit down on the stood there, did I ever tell you about Ike and me?”
“Kind of,” the boy said.
The boy told himself: she’s talkative tonight, almost tipsy, been drinking that half-pint she keeps hidden behind the brick I bet, to the right side of her; he then noticed she had her pipe lit, barely lit, so the basement wouldn’t fill up with smoke, and she’d be found out, and the nurses would force her to return to her bedroom. She hated going to bed early.
She never seemed in despair, thought the boy, like so many of the old folks in the home, she was almost above that.
There they sat, like two old pals, in a book clamshell.
“Ike, oh I mean President Dwight D. Eisenhower, you know the president, I met him when he was just a general, the Commanding General of Europe, in WWII, I did a small interview, oh just a few answers and questions, I was a reporter back then, back in ’44.”
The boy knew she was not kidding, he had learned better, she didn’t fool a person to make herself look big, she had a picture of her and Harry S. Truman, together, it was in May, 1945, when they had met, and he had his arm around her, he had just become president of the United States a month before. She had told the boy, how he had created NATO, and used the first atomic bomb on Japan, and how people forgot who she was, but at one time she was somebody, a known reporter, and a female reporter at that.
The boy looked about the place, her corner, it was dusty, and it seemed to settle all around her,
“This place is so dusty,” yelled the boy, knowing she was half-deaf, “I could come on in, say Saturday, and wipe this corner down for you?”
“Oh no, no, leave it as it is, it’s fine. I’m not afraid of the bugs, spiders, and dust; I’m too old to be afraid of anything. This year (1959) I’ll be 69-years old.” She commented.
The boy admitted to himself, it was quiet, and tranquil, peaceful, and as he was pondering these thoughts, she said in kind of a slur of words, “I’d commit suicide if I could find an easy way to do it,” and smiled, not looking at the boy right away, then from the side of her right eye, she caught a glimpse of him, then added, “but I’m never quite up to it.”
The boy did not respond to that, wasn’t sure how to, and had he, what would he have said anyhow, he just looked blank, and listened. Then he stood up, started to walk towards the stairs, some fifty-feet away, he turned to see her, and saw her shadow bobbing back and forth as she rocked in her rocker, saw her reflection as she rocked side to side of the furnace, a glimpse each time she got to each side of the old furnace.

(She was once a young girl reporter, met many important people of her day, it was hard for her to lay down and die, hard for her, that to have anyone remembered her, that if she had living family folks, they never came to visit her, the boy never asked many questions into her personal life, did more listening, and therefore never knew.)

He heard the old lady’s rapping of her pipe on the furnace; he stopped to see if she wanted something, he knew sometimes she just wanted to be alone, especially when she started reflecting on her younger years. She meant no disrespect for the boy, by not talking to him, she just zoned off, and so he simply got out of her way. He looked back, he was almost about to walk up the stairs, and he heard her say,
“Come on back here if you got a minute!”
Then Ariel turned about and walked back to her, said, “What is it?”
“Get me my half-pint of whiskey out from behind the brick if you will, I’m very tired and weak, can you?”
“Of course,” said the boy, and quickly removed the brick. She had a glass hidden in her dress pocket, and pulled it out, wiped it with the cuff of her blouse, then gave Ariel a big smile, “Pour,” she commanded, adding, “it helps me sleep, it’s really just medicine, they often used it in the old days, the bible reads, for sleeping.”
The boy just smiled back, there was perhaps some half-truth in what she said, he figured, and he wasn’t going to argue with her, she was too ahead of him, and she most likely knew it.
Several minutes passed, as she rocked back and forth, drank the double shot down. She stopped rocking, put the glass back into her pocket, and had to boy return the half empty pint back to its abode.

It was now 9:00 p.m., and visiting time was over at 9:30 p.m., and bed check for the old folks was at 10:00 p.m., if not in bed, the nurses went on a hunt for them.
“I should have killed myself last week,” the old lady said, opening up her eyes wider than normal, she had shut them for a few minutes, adding, “this is no way to live.”
The boy sat back down, “Thank you,” said the old lady to the boy.
“I have a few shots of whisky every night, almost every night,” she said, in an explanatory tone.
“Why do you want to kill yourself?” asked the boy.
“I suppose, I did all I’m really going to do, worth doing, I have no one really, life is boring, I get sad, and if it wasn’t for my little corner here, I perhaps would have did it long ago. But here I can think.”
“How would you do it?” asked the boy:
“I guess by a rope, tie it around one of those big beams, stand on the stool your sitting on there, and that would be that.”
“You should go now, not listen to such talk of an old lady, and I wish you’d just go.”
“You should get back to your bed before they come looking for you,” said the boy.
“Oh, I never leave before midnight, I told them I’d kill myself unless they’d allow me this little gift; sometimes they find me sleeping and leave me sleep, wake me up for breakfast.”

“How is it,” asked the boy, “to be old?”
“I’m not lonely, if that is what you mean. I have memories, but my dear boy it is nasty.”
“Why is that?” asked the boy.
“You ask so many questions, and you’re so very young. You see, you drop things, and people look at you, and you drop them again. You pay your bills on time, and people take advantage of you, tell you this and that, and build your hopes up, and rob you when they can, because they can. They threaten you if you don’t do what they say. You forget this and that, only remember things when you were young. You know if you don’t give your things away, they’ll take them before you die by force, have you sign this and that, or not feed you.”
The old woman stood up, pulled out an old quarter from her pocket purse, said, “This is the date I was born,” she gave it to the boy, he looked, it read, ‘1891’ it was the same year his grandfather was born, he then gave it back to her, as she sat back down in her rocker.
It was now half-past nine, “Your friends must be waiting for you, you should go home and go to bed.” said the old woman.
“How about you,” said the boy?
“It’s not the same,” she commented.
“What do you mean,” asked the boy.
She didn’t want to be impolite, she was simply in a hurry to get the boy out before someone came looking for him, and discovered her hideaway, other than her personal nurse.
“Youth needs its sleep,” she said pleasantly, “in time you will have everything I had, and more. I want to rest now, so go!
The boy seemed a little reluctant, but he did stand back up and leave,
“Good night,” he told her as he walked away.
“Good night,” she commented back, then she turned off her radio, pulled the string attached to the light bulb, turned it off, and it was dark, real dark, except for the light that shinned down the steps.
The boy looked back, he couldn’t see her, but he heard the rocking chair go back and forth, and he knew she was alright, and somehow he knew he’d not see her again, a sense, intuition, premonition.
The boy smiled climbing up the stairs, met his friend, Jerome, “What you doing down there?” he asked, “you know you can get in trouble.”
He never answered Jerome, they just whizzed off to Jerome’s mother’s car in the parking lot waiting for her to come down from the third floor, she was visiting someone up there, and all was forgotten, until the following week, when he went to see her again, and she wasn’t there: matter of fact, he went down to her corner, and the rocker was gone, the half pint of whisky, was empty but still behind the brick, and it was like, no one had ever been there.

2-12-2009 (Written while in my library in Lima, Peru, this evening)


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Coming War with Russia (Reedited, 2-2009)

The Coming War with Russia
((Written in April of 2004) (Reedited, 2-2009))
In my book, "The Last Trumpet..." I write about prophecy, and World War III, which I wrote about five years ago (2002, and came from my manuscript from 1984, when I wrote out my visions); thus, I have not wrote much on it since, which I fear, I should have. Many things have happened in the past five years, besides me traveling around the world ten times, and writing book after book, World War III has been gearing up; how so? Let me explain. First of all, I was an Ordained Minister, in good standing, in l993 (I have since left that area, for my own personal reasons); I wrote out the Manuscript, of "The Last Trumpet..." in l984, sent it to three clergy I knew, and one person died of the three, and he misplaced it when I went to find it; so it was lost, as was the second one to the second clergy, and mine was misplaced for 13-years. Then my mother told me I need to get it out no matter what, she died in 2003, I had gotten the book out in 2002, so she got her wish. Anyhow, they use it for Bible Study, for prophecy in Haiti, believe it or not, so the pastor wrote me and told me. But let me get to the premise here. We are presently, somewhat friendly with Russia (in 2008, this has now changed), but it will not remain that way. In the book of Ezekiel, prophecy foretold Israel shall return to their own land and now we see this has come to pass. I do believe Iran will be directly involved with the invasion, as will Russia, as they plan to invade Israel in the near future. That is one of the reasons we are in Iraq, believe it or not; we are a buffer ((this is why now in 2009, Israel wants to destroy the nuclear capability in Iran before Russia and Iran become partners, as has a portion in Georgia, in Europe recently)(and we must not forget they destroyed Iran’s nuclear capability in the 1980s, so they’ve been trying to be the big bomb for 30-years, and dream they hope will come true, and I hope President Obama doesn’t allow it, note. 2-2009)).
Look into chapter 38, verses 1 and 2, Ezekiel mentions Gog, the land of Magog. If you ask a Russian what is the top of the Caucasus Mountains called, he'd say, "The Gogh."
Magog, with his tribe, left Asia Minor and went to the southern part of the land we now call Russia. Thus, Russia is going to play a major part in the war to come in the Middle East.
These are the times, Israel's last Holocaust you could say, is coming (that is, a war, and then the Holocaust). The people to come against Israel will look like a cloud. Two hundred-million, military forces will come against Israel. China can boast that now with their reserves, so it has been written; that is two thirds the population of the United States. Those who have mocked the Bible, look closer skeptics, look at 2 Peter 3:10, there you will find a clear definition of the atomic warfare as is contained in any library. '...the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."
This is the end, the end times; Russia will hit Israel (once there is an agreement with Iran and Russia) before her last strike; when I say her last strike I'm jumping too far into the future, but not that far. First comes the war with Russia and then the 200-million military force, all pointing to the Battle of Armageddon.
†Part Two: Updated 8-13-2008
Additional Quotes on Gog and Magog
I talked on Gog and the land of Magog, which in essence is Russia. Russia, the words has roots, stems from a Finnish word, meaning rowers of a vessel, And ‘Rosh,’ is a Hebrew word meaning ‘boss.’ (Ezekiel Chapter 27).
What comes next in Zech. 14, we see a man trying to lead an army, seize Israel, and this starts a world war.
“…wake up the mighty men, let all men of war draw near: let them come up…” Joel Chapter three, in the Old Testament is talking about future times.
The superpower here is Gog and Magog, (Rev. 20); the invasion of Palestine by the nations will turn out to be in the long run, the last great battle.
God says to Gog and I shall paraphrase it: are you not the one I foretold would come against my people of Israel? Ezek. 38. All Russian leaders should take not of this.

Part Three: Update: 8-15-2008
The Middle East Confederation
Israel Facing the Impossible
I do believe Egypt and Libya will join a Middle East Confederation, or conspiracy against Israel. (Jer. 46)
Turkey will be added into this group, although we are really talking now about three groups in the end days (Russia and Iran, the Middle East Confederation, and China, and even Europe).
The Confederation, the Russians, and the European Union, Ezekiel refers to Turkey as Gomer, it is not Germany, it is in Asia Minor he points, but many have thought it to be Germany.
The point here is, as Russia and Iran are thinking about invasion, so are these other folks, or groups, the other two groups that is, if Russia fails, and Russia will fail, but at what cost? And a cost to what other parties perhaps is the bigger question (America?) On the other hand, America is strong because whoever helps Israel, that country is blessed by God.
The question comes up: will the other groups fail?
Back to Russia, we see the old prophet has named the nations around Israel (these are part of the beast): way in the future, a hard task to do, unless you got God’s notebook.
The other missing link here is America, the United States, where are they going to be in all this mess?
Now who is Magog? It is the beast (Satan’s Armies), as Gog is the individual (The antichrist that is possessed by Satan). In other words, The Beast is the mass group complex. America must be weakened, or tied up, perhaps after Russia invades, and we attack and help, America will be too weak to get involved beyond that. It will all come out in the was I assure you.

Lady Jane La Rosa's Flies and Rats (a short story)

Lady Jane La Rosa’s Flies and Rats
Of East London, 1717 AD

The Blue Bottle fly, in Europe, was quite known to be a pest in the month of July (Worm Month), these flies had a stout (fat and heavy) nature; the adults soak up surface fluids with mop like mouthparts, they lay their eggs on dead animals, the smell of which can attract them from a distance of several kilometers. They also lay eggs on other decomposing matter and on faeces—the eggs hatch in less than a day, the young insects (larvae) have no opportunity to bury themselves in the ground, thus, they will crawl around until they find a suitable place in which to pupate.
This occurrence, takes place when the fly larvae, found in the house, the abode, nursed by dead nestling birds, or from dead rats, a dead rat will supply or provide enough food for about 4000-maggots, you don’t smell the dead rat anymore because the creeping larvae eat it, within about ten-working days, they work hard at eating hard, the larvae you will not see, they hid from the light, under carpets, and so forth, for their resurrection to adulthood, and destruction of its forthcoming environment. Oh but they do wiggle their way into the light sooner or later, after their full birth, and as a result, fly off to mate again, and the cycle of the fly, becomes endless. So you see there is a surviving connection with the flies and the rats, not a pretty picture by all means, but don’t go away, you haven’t read the good part yet.

Lady Jane La Rosa, of East London (in the year of 1717, July, the worm month, had a rat problem in her home, in her garden, and she killed the rats under her porch, that had a tunnel, that lead to her garden, which had a hole into her garden, and each day the fat headed rat would peak its head out of the whole not fearful of her one bit, and had she not been so fearful, she might have seen the big picture, not the surface issue, and she figured she’d poison it, and she did, and the whole family of rats died, and she was proud of herself, so very proud. And for her victory, she bought cakes and all kinds of good things to eat, even purchased some good beef, and breads, and she never noticed the process I just mentioned to you, about the Blue Flies (or blowflies) their eating and breeding habits, a young Londoner, of twenty-years old, and she woke one morning and there was hundreds of fat flies circling her bed, the kitchen and all over her lower apartment house, she went mad killing the flies, and the fatter they were, the slower they were; but many of these flies had picked up pathogenic micro-organisms, from rat and dog and cat dunghills, and passed their dirty feet and lips onto her every inch of the kitchen, as if they were dancing a ballet, and it was a cursed morning to say the least, she swatted and took the broom and ended up busting this and that trying to get all the flies out, or dead, not knowing the flies were transmitting intestinal infections, landing on foodstuffs, and she was not rich, nor poor, but frugal, and she tried to cover everything, and she did not throw one thing away, no, not the cakes or pies or even the breads and raw meat.
She had really no strict control of where and how she kept her cooked and raw meats, her breads and fruits, thus, everything got contaminated, and she took her meat, and washed it, but the faeces and vomit from the insects remained soaked into the meat, tainted, stained with its vomit, and she quickly cooked it, and invited her friends over to have dinner, thinking, it all was too much for one person, enough for several, and by doing so, she was forced to be more generous, more so than folks knew her to be.
In addition to her stupidly of the foodstuffs, the single, and simple young lady, overlooked that there might be breeding sites yet to clean up, or clean out, she simply had told her parents she wanted to be on her own, and this was her apartment in East London, and knew nothing about anything in this area…how proud she was though for killing those rats, and that would have to be her consolation. Nor did she clean the walls, lamps, mirrors, and so forth, and she had a half dozen families over for dinner that evening, and when they came and they ate, and they touched the walls, new flies appeared everywhere, especially around the lit lamps, and they looked at Lady Jane La Rosa, not the flies, but the folks eating the fly vomit on the meat, and bread, and so forth, and then the re-looked at the food and the flies next to the foods, and they quickly ran home and washed, and in that neighborhood, that following month, Lady Jane La Rosa died an intentional disease, and several of the neighbors died, and the cursed flies were all over, and then someone discovered a hole, and filled it with dirt, it was as simple as that.

Afterthought: It was said by many of that East London Neighborhood, Miss La Rosa confided in a few people during her illness, prior to her death, and she said, in so many words to a dear girlfriend who visited her just before she had her last breath:
‘It was as if they had very aggressive attitudes, as if there was a neurological strain, mental twist, a madness, if not insanity, in the attack on me, and perhaps I got thinking some imps, or devils, demons, you know that sort of thing got into those fat flies, and invaded my house, because I was the most vulnerable, available, I was in that neighborhood, and usable; also to show off to their cohorts how shrewd and witty they were, you know, like people do, and kids to kids for admiration, or how the robber will choose the easiest pray for his vindictive scheme, thus, he picks on the old, the feeble, single and helpless women, old women, children, those who can’t fight back. I don’t disagree the rats had something to do with it all, but for one day, such a horde showing up on your doorsteps, and then zooming by you like a bullet, attacking from all sides. It’s what they did, and had no mercy, if only I could have thought of something creative…!”



Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Trapped by Blue Ice

Just before the Inca conquest of A.D. 1470

White Mountain in the Summer

Snow was falling on a glacier, in the Andes of Peru, on White Mountain (Huaytapallana), in the Valley of Mantaro, and as it felt it compressed itself into its new abode, and became part of that glacier, and the glacier, that winds its way down to the small lake at its feet (two other lakes along its side), during its transverse travel all the air bubbles that were trapped in the ice were squeezed out, thus, increasing the size of the ice crystals, making it clear, so very clear, like a window, with the sun shinning on it, and the blue sky, throwing a slight tint to it.
Toribio stood at the rim of the lake, knew the beautiful blue was the result of an overtone stretched in the water which drew light to it, he knew in some areas of the Artic, where he had been, earthquakes had raised the blue ice above the ground and created formations much like large frozen waves, he actually stood on some of those large waves.

But the more he looked into the blue ice, the more he became mesmerized to it…a mist appeared, it descended White Mountain like an umbrella being folded inward, thus, so was everything around, and it got colder. He knew he’d not make it out of his environment, up the hill, to the winding road down into the valley, and even if he did, he would get lost, he had come into the glacier and lake area too late, thus, he sat on a nearby rock and ate some small fish that was dried, stored and eventually transported inland and somehow—most likely by caravan driven by llamas, making its way to the valley, and eventually to the markets, where he purchased them, and along with some anchovies. This would give him protein to withstand some of the cold, for he had noticed an increase of the winds, they were picking up some moisture as they passed over his head, descended around him, the current’s low temperature resulted in a freezing enclosure, surrounded by the three headed mountain, as if almost enveloped into her womb: now he understood the blue ice, and this areas cold depths.

(Lost in the mist)

He was as if in a canyon, it was different than where he had originally been raised, by the coast, his father was a fisherman, he and his brother, and mother, and grandfather lived together along one street, close by to where they could enter sea every day, where they had their boat, and nets, each proceeding to his own familiar area to fish without competing with others, he was a Chincha fisherman, and he remember his father always being happy he did not have to till the land, his mother would trade her fish at the market for agricultural products they needed, and exchange; likewise for the farmer, with their harvested corps, who wished fish. And when they didn’t fish, like in the valley, when the farmers didn’t harvest or plant, they danced and drank.

He looked at the blue ice, the descending white mist, felt the chill of the winds to his bones, knew he was trapped by the blue ice, he now couldn’t walk around the lake, neither up the glacier, nor any nearer to the mountain; neither escape to the hill tops to find his way down the mountains that brought him up to this very spot, nor make it to the nearby village, Acopalca.

He now thought of when his little brother, now nineteen, he being twenty-one, raised Guinea Pigs, for both food and ritual; often used for curing and divination ceremonies in and around the Valley of Mantaro, from Huancayo, all the way to Concepcion. It had just been recently, he supplied several burials with whole guinea pigs, he wasn’t sure if they were to be eaten or used as substance for the burial, and afterlife, but it really didn’t matter to him.
He looked at the blue ice, kneeled down to look into it, saw ice worms, and a few others things, how pure it was he thought. And as he looked, the young man forgot, or perhaps didn’t notice, or perchance did notice, and didn’t care, no one would really know, but his life functions were diminishing, the cold was bring him, his body and mind, and sensory perception, and nervous system, to a state of being disorganized and indistinguishable performance, his vital functions were ceasing to operate properly, his brain functions, breathing, heartbeat all once maintained naturally, were seeing to be kept somehow functioning artificially.
He had no more fish, or food, just the cloths on his body, and a blanket made of alpaca, one his mother made for him, and he put it over him like a tent.

He had overheard some of the older folks in the lower village on his way up the mountain talking about the mist of the mountain, that it comes suddenly and blankets a person, and once lost, he freezes to death, and he knew by contrast, people, and animals expand a large amount of energy in such activities, and in doing so, allowing their body to break down sooner, and without a fire, or protein, there was no way to repair any damage that might occur, in time to survive the ordeal, once the organisms in the body collapsed, there was no replacement, at death and near death this energy needed to be available, wouldn’t be there, thus it was now inevitable, he had to remain until morning, when the mist would lift and he could make his escape, but he had to have the energy to climb the hills to top, and then down to the village for help.
As the night progress, it was as if he could feel all the cells in his body losing their tails, one by one by one, and death approached all the closer by each dead cell; the blue ice just within his reach.
The non-immortal organisms in his body were dying, and the phantom of death was getting closer. He thought: why must we die, then answered his own question, ‘Perhaps to make way for new ones,’ it was the simplest way of thinking, underneath that alpaca blanket, his home, his burial tomb to be. All that he was, became, was to be, was there, right there, right under that blanket that fell short to even keep his feet from freezing and turning black. He was sensing his body could no longer adapt to the environment.

Then all of a sudden his heart stopped beating, his body had dropped to sixty-degrees, he had been in the cold for hours, it was late in the night past twilight, his body was now ice-cold; his body was literally like a corpse.

The Morning After

In the early morning, Toribio was found by several village folks from Acopalca, he was snow-covered, curled up in a fetal position, inside his blanket-tent, less than ten-feet away from the blue ice, it was as if he had been frozen in chains, there was no visible signs of food about, his hip bones were sticking out; thereafter, his body was taken down to the village, and the best anyone could deduce was that the boy had died from starvation and frozen to death in the process.

Notes: The true fact is, a number of folks have perished in this area of White Mountain, caught by surprise of the mist, and a close relative of mine did get lost in this area, and his family had to seek out a guide quickly to search the area, and he and his son were rescued, this was perhaps some ten-years ago. Not an uncommon story. I have been to White Mountain myself, and it is a most beautiful sight and dangerous area if a person does not know its environment. And the story you have just read has more truth to it, than fiction. Some parts based on fact. Written 2-10-2009 (second title: “Lost in the Mist”)

Monday, February 09, 2009

Buying Days (A short story on prolonging your life)

Buying Days
(A short story on prolonging your life)

Alabaster Rightfield was getting old, he was 61-years old, in 1940 that was next to old age, perhaps he had a few more years, but not many to live, and he was an advocate, and something of an activist on the concept of: live and let live, and don’t interfere with God’s plan. He was a journalist for a big newspaper in Minnesota, and he wrote a weekly column called “Be as it May!”
Eddie Kindstein, on the other hand, was well known and to some, a great scientist. He was known the world over in his fields of studies: of genetic reconstruction, cell-delay techniques, and the cascade effect for chromosomes, which prolonged age, and rebuilt weak of not broken chromosomes. All in all, he had several PhDs, one in zoology, anthropology, biology, psychology, gynecology, genetics, and was a doctor in medicine, and a few other things I can’t remember.
It all sounds so above the normal, and he was above the normal, so much so, they used his photograph on many of their products, his name likewise, but they hid him so no one could find him, or kidnap him. Oh he had his rights, but the world thought, as did his company, he also had his responsibilities, to them. He was a young man, of only 28-years old, next to middle age, but not quite there yet.
The company he worked for was called “Buying Days!”
They came out with a product in 1933, and the Company was selling days, like wildfire, and Alabaster Rightfield, was a strict advocate against this unethical product.

Narrator’s Interlude

Note: Before I can continue with the story, I must first explain the rudimentary of the product.
It was a chemical, very easy to use, in pill form, no bigger than an aspirin. It didn’t have magical powers or anything like that, but it was assured to its customers, it would allow them to buy more days to their life, providing they purchased the item before any kind of illness occurred.
Let me stretch this out a little further. It didn’t stop the illness; it only prolonged it, giving you more days to life. An example would be, Mr. William Filmier, purchased six pills of Dr. Eddie Kindstein’s product, on October 1, 1939, and he became ill with cancer on December 20th of that year. The pills cost $100-dollars per pill. The doctor gave him twenty-days to live; he died exactly, 26-days later.
If this is not convincing enough to the reader, his wife who pestered him to buy the six pills, bought for herself, five-hundred pills to take, and took them (yes indeed they had a few bucks to spend, isn’t that always the case, the rich get over like fat cats, and us poor folk, go along for the joy ride and observe how they do it). In any case, after her husband died, she got ill over the whole thing, and was diagnosed with pneumonia and would die within a few days, well, she didn’t, matter of fact, rather, she up and died, five-hundred and 7-days later.
Well, I could go on and on with testimony after testimony, but the fact is, no company makes $300-billion dollars in ten-years, from a company that prior to Kindstein coming into the group, was only making $300,000-dollars with pharmaceuticals, unless they got a good product, or a good scheme convincing the public their product is good. The only other one I know that has fooled the public for a generation or two, and made billions in the process, is the cigarette manufactures. So this was the real deal.
So now back to the story.

Alabaster Rightfield was a rich man, not filthy rich, but well off. And he had a lovely young wife, and he had five children, and he was kind to them, and all that kind of good stuff, almost a perfect husband and father, and known as a moralist thinker of his time. And on July 15, 1940, he went to the doctor, and the doctor said he had a tumor, a brain tumor, that they were not sure if it was fixable or not, it would have to be extracted, or somehow reduced in size to a residue form and then extracted or perhaps left in a state of inactivity. Well, Mrs. Rightfield went to see the CEO, Mr. Greedland, of “Buying Days” and asked him for pills…to either reduce the tumor in size, or to buy more days.
Mr. Greedland, was sympathetic, and said,
“It would be a shame for your husband to part this world, when he could live other ten-years. You could buy the days for him if you want to,” and he went on to say in essence: that he’d actually give the pills to her free, should he decide to shut his mouth a little on his so called moral and righteous grounds. This being for the most part, an attitude adjustment on his part; thus, he’d give her 3500-bills, free of charge.
On the other hand, Mr. Greedland said, we could do an operation, the good doctor, Kindstein, would even perform it, and it would be an almost guarantee, that he would survive the operation, but for him to take the pills incase something went wrong, it was all going to be free of charge.

Fine, thought Mrs. Rightfield, and she went home to beg her husband to do the deal. But he told her this,
“How can I, after preaching against such devises to keep one alive beyond God’s chosen date, I would be among the class of: hypocrites. I could only do such a thing if I could bring down the company, and force them to walk the straight line, to help people for the sake of health reasons”
“But a live hypocrite,” she murmured with tears running down those white soft cheeks of hers.
So by and by, Mr. Rightfield insisted he could not. And he got ill, very ill, and he was hospitalized, and up to the last minute, his wife begged him, even Mr. Greedland, agreed to do the operation free, and give him the pills free, without any promises to be forthcoming.
Then came a secret from the mouth of Mr. Greedland to Mr. Rightfield—told behind closed doors—of course, he whispered to Alabaster: “My pills work in either case, meaning, if the person was sick the day he bought the pills, or anytime, it doesn’t matter, it was just a gimmick to get the public to deliver the money early on, although the product is as good as gold. The reason we lied to the public was for our company stockholders, and so other pharmaceutical companies would not go out of business. I repeat Alabaster, it was all for an immediate effect: money, money, and more money.”
When Mr. Rightfield heard this, he agreed to the operation and the pills, free of charge, and no promises, and knowing his reputation was as good as their pills, he devised his plan.
Therefore, and thereafter, he was cured, and subsequently in a few months was back on his weekly column, he spread the news, the pills were good even after you got sick; and thus, something strange happened, several worldwide pharmaceutical companies got together and bought the company out, and lost the recipe to the product “Buying Days,” lest they go out of business, and the company soon after that, closed its doors once and for all.



Saturday, February 07, 2009

The Meaning of Danger (non-fiction, short story)

The Meaning of Danger
(Based on actual events, name have been changed)

It is said when danger lingers about, animals have a sixth sense, and thus move out of its way. So do humans, if only they’d pay attention to it. (Summer of 1962)

Chick Evens

I met a man when I was fifteen years old; he was twenty-years old at the time, a handsome looking fellow, had a car he borrowed always from his brother, he had several of them. They drank a lot, and he seemed to get into trouble without much effort, I only met his brothers once, and that was enough. I remember him saying, the older robust brother of David Osmond’s,
“I want to try your ring on,” is what he said to me, and I said no, and David whispered in my ear, I suggest you do as he asks, he’s a little crazy. The brother was perhaps thirty-five, build like a wrestler. I said no, and he looked at me, and he said, the older brother, “Are you sure you want to keep saying no, because, I heard what my brother said, and he wasn’t kidding.”
I tried to keep my posture, but his eyes told me, something was coming, and quickly, he and three of his brothers were in the kitchen with David and me, and his sister was out in the living room with the two girls, one eighteen-months old, the other around six-years old.
As I pondered on this idea of taking off my ring, and letting him see it, plus, pondering on what was this man really like, I remembered how David drove the car a week earlier, into a fence, and laughed about it, almost killed us. Then I thought about the time we went into the restaurant, and he ordered all these hamburgers, and everything under the sun, and said to me,
“Let’s go Chick!”
And I said,
“We got to pay, you said you’d pay, we can’t leave without paying!”
Then he said,
“Then you stay and pay, and if you can’t I’ll give you a call at the detention center, where the police will take you for thief. And if I were you, I’d not tell my name to the police.”
So I thought all these things within the clap of a second, and he turned to me and said, the big older brother said,
“Have you come to your conclusion?”
David looked at him, said, “Take it easy, he’s just a kid!”
“Yes,” said the older brother, drinking down a third beer, “a kid with an eye for trouble, he sees things, and knows, but won’t give in until I have to tare him apart.”
“He’ll give you the ring back, Chick,” said David, “please let him have it to wear for a few hours.”
“Ok,” I said, but I knew I’d not see the ring again; how did I know, call it intuition.

When you are fifteen, even coming from a rough neighborhood, as I was brought up in, things haunt you; David and I left the place, it was in the housing projects, St. Paul, Minnesota, far out towards the South East part of town, and he took me home, down to Cayuga Street, by the Oakland Cemetery.
“I’ll see if I can get your ring back for you by tomorrow, or if I don’t see you tomorrow, since everyone is drinking at the house, perhaps the following day or two, but don’t expect to see me for at least a few days more, maybe three.”
“No problem,” I said as I got out of his 1958 Mercury.
“Perhaps it would be better Dave if you don’t go back there, all that drinking, and your brother seems out of it.”
“Don’t you start telling me what to do now Chick,” he replied, and I smiled, and simply said “Ok,” and left.

He had went back to his sister’s apartment in the project complex, drank that night, and the next day had stayed over. Give me a call, he said,
“I really got a hangover, can’t see you today, maybe tomorrow or the next day, got to baby-sit the kids for sis tonight. I hate to do it, but I told her I would, her and her husband are going out with my brother, you know the one with the ring, he said he’ll give it back to me tomorrow.”
David was about five foot ten inches tall, dark black hair, very good looking, slim, built well, had spent some time in St. Cloud, reformatory, I had found out, matter-of-fact, I had found out just before he called me, and figured if I get the ring fine, if not, I best stay away from him, lest I end up in prison. My instincts again, and I was learning to cooperate with them.

A day passed, it was a hot summer, I was playing ball in the empty lot next to my grandfather’s house, with the Cayuga Street Gang (the Donkeyland Gang), there were about twenty-two of us, unofficial members, I being one of the youngest, and perhaps the only one that never had been in jail.
I got home that evening, and went to bed as usual, up in the attic bedroom where my brother, Mike and I slept. It was for me, a hard night sleeping, I kept thinking about the ring, but it was really much more than that, it was a premonition, something I didn’t know, but knew something was happening, something that would spoil me getting back my ring, just what I didn’t know, and to quite frank, I would never have imagined had I had a thousand guess.

The following midmorning, I called David’s house up, and he was not there, then I called his sister’s apartment up, and the phone just rang and rang and rang. I told myself I best not bother them too much, his crazy brother will come looking for me and God knows what might happen, so I left well enough alone, and went and ate my cereal.
My grandfather was at work, he owned a restaurant, down on Wabasha Street, St. Paul, and got the paper each day, he had a hard time reading it, the old Russian Bear, we lived in kind of an extended family situation. He owned the house, and my mother bought the food, and furniture, and he paid the utility bills, and did his laundry, and life went on for us four folks.
The paperboy put the paper through the door hole, and it was thin, I picked it up, out on our screened-in porch, put it down onto Grandpa’s sofa chair in the living room, and when I did, the headlines popped up in front of my eyes, like King Kong, it read “David Osmond…!”
I called my friend up, the one that introduced me to him, Richard Z, and said,
“Have you read the paper yet?”
“Yes,” he said.
“About David Osmond?” I asked.
“Yes,” he said.
“Why in heaven’s name did you introduce him to me?” I asked.
“Whoever would have thought he could do something like that?”
It was of course a rhetorical question, and I told him, I just needed to talk to someone, it was all too much, too unbelievable.

That evening when my mother came home from Swifts (the Meat Packing Company, in South St. Paul), and she asked me, as I was pacing the house from the porch through the living room then dinning room, then kitchen, said,
“You’re getting like your grandfather, pacing all the time, what is the matter with you.”
I had put the paper on the dinning room cabinet, by grandpa’s old black mantle clock, said, “Look at the front page,” and she did.
“Yaw, so what.” she said.
“That’s my friend, David Osmond.”
She looked closer, “Really,” she said, “You just never see him again,” she demanded.
“I don’t think he’ll be out of jail for a very longtime,” I commented.
In the following month, I tried to get a hold of the brother who had the ring, even went over to the apartment, but it was vacant, and he was gone. So I simply assumed right at that moment, this all was to be taken as a good lesson, good lesson for me, to avoid such characters.

Now let me explain what took place. That day when he, David and I met his brother, and his brother took my ring, he stayed overnight there, he was at this time, staying with different family members, and borrowing his brother’s car, he had no money to speak of, of his own, only the money he was getting from gambling with his brothers, and a few friends that came over, or was given to him freely by his family members. The following evening he babysat the two daughters, for his sister as he said he was going to do, and he drank that night, as he drank most every night, and his head started hurting. He had been released to my knowledge from St. Peters, a criminal asylum, prior to serving time at St. Cloud, at St. Peters, for evaluation more so than confinement.
His head was hurting as I mentioned, and he had told the older niece, the big sister to keep her little sister quiet, the eighteen-month old child, and she tried, and couldn’t, and he got madder and madder, until he blanked out, and shook the little girl so hard, he shook the wind out of her, and when he set her back into her prior position, she was dead, not breathing, fearful he did not call the ambulance. Now even more frightened, hyperventilating, he had picked up a lamp and swung it at the older sister, and the concussion, killed her likewise, she fell to the floor to her death. Yes, he had killed two young children, in a state of panic and frenzy.
Now supposedly coming to his senses (somewhat), he saw what he had done, and wanted to cover it up and in the process tried to hide their bodies, in the garage.
When the family members came home, he had no real story figured out to tell them except, they took off outside and he couldn’t find them. Then in the process of calling the police and his wailing for his wrong doing, they found the two corpses, the girls in the garage, both of course slain by David.
His case went to court, and there was an insanity plea, and to my knowledge he got twenty-years plus, or until he could show the doctors he was no longer maladaptive.



Thursday, February 05, 2009

The Strange Letters of Amelia, From Nantucket, 1852

The Strange Letters of
Amelia, from Nantucket, 1852

Advance (narrator): The next to true story, “The Story of Amelia,” is told by herself, in a number of letters to her daughter, whom has discovered them after rummaging through the attic of her mother’s house, found in and among other sailor items in a wooden chest, Judith Cleland, of New England, Stockbridge, Massachusetts.

Amelia, the highlight of her life, and this story, takes place in Nantucket, 1850 – 1852, for the most part, although she spends a decade in Nantucket until she returns to Stockbridge. Judith, is holding the letters, with a few different dates on them, in her hands, about fifteen pages: it is 1872, it is twenty-years since those letters have been exposed to the open air; she is at her mother’s home in Stockbridge at the moment.
She has always been curious why her mother never married, and never talked about her father other than saying he was a sailor, and a hero of sorts to him, and thus, likewise to Judith; Judith is now 21-years old and the letters have to be opened up, so she feels, no matter what, even if it is like opening Pandora’s Box.
It is a story about a man she met, by the name of Gideon Asa Scott (an Irish-Scottish bulk of a fellow, in his middle to late forties).
To repeat myself, Judith finds fifteen pages of letters, her mother wrote and kept for her, not to be read, nor the envelope opened until after her death, she has now brought it to her mother, whom is outside, in the backyard, drinking tea. She lays it down on the table next to her (she is fifty-one years old, Amelia knows right away what it is, looks at her daughter’s eyes) she smiles and says:
“I think you’re old enough to understand why I never married, and to learn who your father really was?”
These were two questions always on Judith’s mind, matter-of-fact; she had asked her mother ever since she was a teenager, those two questions.

On another note, Amelia, had moved with her family to Nantucket for a number of years, it was because of the railroad was being built in that area, and her family thought it best to avoid the raucous and tribulations of the times, and the wealthy had moved in, as did poets and writers.
She had liked writing and had met Catharine Maria Sedgwick, who had wrote such books as ‘Hope Leslie,’ 1827 and ‘Married or Single,’ 1857. She was kind of her idol. Like Catharine, she also was sent to a finishing school in Boston, she was the most talked about female author of her day—this inspired Amelia, and of course, she liked the book Catharine wrote called: ‘Married or Single,’ what it expressed, that being: women should not marry if it involved losing their self-respect, self-worth, identity.
Now I have really said enough to this story, we must now go onto those lengthily letters of hers to find out those two secrets, Judith has waited so long for.

(Amelia is going to read it to her daughter as they sit under an umbrella, sipping tea, but first she makes a statement):

The Letters

Amelia’s Statement to her daughter before reading the letters: “I have read a lot of Cotton Mather in past years; he was very popular when I was a child with my family growing up. Need I say Judith, he was very influential with me, he wrote much, was married three times, had fifteen-children, so I suppose he knew what he was talking about, and put into writing, and many books, and a doctorate degree helped, honorary, but nonetheless, official. He said, “You should be more solicitous that their souls (meaning one’s children) may not be Starved, or go without the bread of life.” I presume some of that bread is understanding the truth, and by telling you the background of those letters, or reading them, shows caring of that nature, especially when you know someone close to you knows and doesn’t tell you—as in the letters you hold in your hand. I felt it would be a bit early to tell you the whole story, how you became you, and perhaps how I became me, or a little more of me, after your father’s death, I was waiting for you to become at least thirty-years old for that news, that is when Christ Himself took up his ministry. Cotton Mather also said in so many words and I hear you cry for understanding: if your dog and child were drowning, whom would you save? A poor example by and large, but it gets to the point. When one’s family member feels under an ill discipline, it is not unusual that it affects other members, so I shall read the letters to you:

Letter One: 1852
The Story

“When I first saw him, more like found him stranded on the beach like a soaked wet rag, or dead seal, and helped him, I said to myself: ‘He looks to me to be an honest and courageous kind of fellow, a sailor, one that would not try to do me harm,’ and once getting to know him, I was correct—for the most part—in my evaluation at first, as well as, he wasn’t too religious which I gathered from the start, unfortunately, but in his quiet way he was a sort of reverential unspoken noble natured person, perhaps a cry for a better worth of immortality, was in his soul…
“He did at the end of our relationship, pretty much make up his mind of what he had to do, and did it, although if you ask me, he had no rest in that anticipation, and beyond human kindness he left me little to hold onto, and hope for in the sense of his return—and for him, he left no definite belief. It is strange how he persists though, on wondering to and fro, around the world on a pile of wood: strange but fascinating at the same time.
“I am thirty-one years old, he is forty-six. There will be no correspondence I fear, between him and I, over our relationship that has lasted only two-years that brought me an abundance of warmth and fellowship. But faded the last season he was with me, which was most recently.
“I liked his name it was different, not his last name but his two other names, first and middle, not real different for an Irish-Scotsman I suppose, Gideon Asa Scott, but different for me.

“When I first found him on the shores of Nantucket, I dragged him a ways, and waited until he was semi conscious, and allowed him to lean on my shoulders, and I brought him to my home, put him naked by the hearth, I found soon after, his resurrection would be complete within a few days. And it didn’t take long for ourselves to get on a pretty much, formal terms.
(You must realize, I am pregnant now, and Gideon never knew this, and I did not know if you were a boy or girl inside of me, perhaps if you are a girl I will call you Judith, I like that name, it seems to have a Romanist ring to it, and thus, you will understand, I’m sure of that; on the other hand, if you are a boy, I dread to tell you, we live in a time, our skirts are made of iron, and the male gender, with all their whoring around, wants to marry a virgin, and I dare say, expects their mother to be one if the father was not properly wed.)

“As I was about to say, before that little interlude, it was perhaps just two weeks, and we became better friends, sociability and our confidence with one another showered in our place!
“Before he left he was or had not been well, of late. And to my guess, suffered from too constant a mental occupation, in pursuit without much success, of whatever he was thinking. Plus, he was drinking, as always, but I did curve that bad habit for him, somewhat.
“For a long while he was happy, and then some kind of morbid depression came over him. Perhaps wanting to go back to the sea, or at least that was, or better yet, is, my conjecture, or better yet, to his wife, Phoebe…whom he said was from New England, not sure exactly where, I surmised from our late night conversations, New Hampshire, he was quite secretive about such matters. My reasoning being, there is an old ruin, ancient archeologically site nearby, deep in the woods and he had mentioned it in relation to Phoebe (“Mystery Hill”).
“When he left he was seemingly not profoundly sympathetic or responsive as he was at first to our relationship that warmth had left.
“As you will know in time, I was born and raised in Stockbridge, moved to Nantucket for a number of years, the railroad had come in and my parents thought it best I live in Nantucket for a decade, and so I did, they feared the raucous, and hard drinking men, and men of no repute might take liberties they were not entitled to.
“When I think of him, it is still with exceedingly warmth and enthusiasm.
“For two-years I had looked into his deep dark eyes, and all I can now see is the story I now live, his story and mine, the one I am telling you, every line to me is a single and sincere longing on my part for him, and for you to know him better.”

Letter Two dated: 1857

“Here is a question I presume you will be asking: ‘who was he anyhow?’ You are five-years old now Judith and this is my second letter to you thus far.
“For years I have gone over the story me and your father lived, Gideon, He always had a strain on his face, for whaling…a subject rather rhapsody for him.
“But how was he, you will ask, and I will possibly say in passing: he was the ocean, and he left behind the earth, to find the mighty whales, sell their oil, make profit, help the so called original commodity, become what it might become. It might be said of him, as in a fable, he was made out of sterling metal, to me a face imprinted on a coin. And when Dorothea met him, my dear and best friend, she had become very puffed up with smiles, not to count his wealth, for he had none, she bethought herself, she wanted his recognition, with this purpose in view, I pulled him quickly away, like an architect would his plans for a great building, when someone else is peering over your shoulder, that should not be.
“Many a night we passed the evening together, listening to the fresh sounds of the Atlantic with his sailor talk. All jargon to me at first of course, and then I got to know his ways, terminology, and so forth. Actually I started to live his stories, as he relieved them; and it always made for a good stirring evening. He would plough deep into the depths of the ocean bring to surface his rich tales, atheistically. To him it was all a sacred matter, with its exquisite ironies. At times he was on the boarder line of blasphemy.
“As I have not said, but I must, it had already been rumoured in the town of our living together, they all looked at me to no purpose, as if their life was perfect, and undeniable on the right track to heaven’s gates. People are always the more ready to believe the worse of your neighbour, but they’d like to pluck the rose themselves. But as I was saying, or about to say, when I first met him, he was weather-beaten, like crushed marble, his skin like snow, from the long ordeal in the sea. Studded with muscle knobs all over his legs; but on the other hand, when he opened his eyes he saw me, with a gleam, especially beneath his eyelids.

“I do hope you understand, I see you playing at this moment outside on the grass next to my window, as I write, I wish you would have got to know him, perhaps this will help.

“Well, he said he was married, that he had wedded a woman as I mentioned before, named Phoebe, what I neglected to mention though, was she served time in Sing Sing, a prison for women. I doubt he really ever told me the full and true story, it wasn’t his nature to do so, he’d add fiction with non-fiction, to make everything a tinge mysterious. In any case, there were many of those so called prison girls, willing to sleep with the Judges and noble men of the city, sound standing citizens, they’d hide he’d say behind curtains in the prison, and have their orgies.
“Whatever case, he married one he said, and had five-children with her. I kind of frowned on this at first, and then overlooked it, as if there was some truth to it, but most likely, everything had its distortions, and deletions interwoven into it, and generalizations.
“No man had ever put such reality before me, unflinchingly as he did. Conceivably to see my reaction, so I often thought: to see if I got startled.
“He had said one afternoon when we were talking on the porch, drinking lemonade: he said in so many words: his boat had sunk and the ship he was on left him for dead, he was compelled to swim, even unconsciously for hours on end. This I know to be true, for I found him astray, on the coast. And I shall get more into that part of the story, later on, but I must say his sea stories were so good that I scarcely feel he was less of a story teller than Melville himself being a writer, surely, more so than a sailor: he need not have made them any better.
“He was neither a common man, nor that entirely intellectual, or even warm hearted, he was rather a brute of a man, with dirty fingerprints, and he’d leave them all over the house, especially on the walls.
“He was tall, and erect, sincere and somewhat revered or he tried to be with me at any rate, unsure, if he is not a great man in my soul. He seemed to me a man that had seen many things, and explained few, but in his tales he told everything accurately, as he saw them; he had eyes you know not keen eyes, but rather undistinguishable in anyway.”

“When he told his tales and in particular his long swim, he was always full of gesture.
“He was not handsome, but brave and manly he was. And once he started his tale he lost himself in it, and somehow he gave it graced and polish. He was, Judith, for the most part backwards you might say, but one could clearly comprehend what he was implying, if his words got into a rambling state.
“He’d give you a strange lazy glance, at the end of each tale as if waiting to get your response.”

Letter Three: 1859
Passion and Pride

“It’s been a few years now, you’re getting bigger, seven-years old now Judith. You are in school this afternoon, and I‘ve been thinking we might be going back to Stockbridge, my hometown, you’ve never seen. But I want to tell you more about your father, and our two-years together, and explain the passion I had for him, if I can in a light form.
“I loved making love to him, he was although a bear in the process, on the other hand, he was respectable being near to, not directly with, an innocence, with his child like mannerisms, and most amiable during the full course of the affair.
“He was in loving making, like he was in his story telling, he got lost in it and there was no stopping him. This he had much knowledge in and I very little, and it was his daily, or almost daily favourite pursuit activity.
“We ate breakfast at 5:00 a.m., sharp. Then we’d take a walk, then he’d say ‘Leave me be…’ and I’d go off some place by myself, after saying goodbye, and we’d meet later.
“We ate late supper usually, and I was always worried of his sleep, he never felt well the next day, if he didn’t get his sleep. The fact is, when your father left he was in a frightfully poor state of health, strain on his face, in his eyes, his mind, afraid to leave, to love, and possibly his body weakened from all those past adventures, and drinking.

“Wherever he was going to go that day, the day he left me, in 1852, which was on one of three ships, it was because he feared if he didn’t, he’d upset his next adventure entirely, as if he was missing something, he knew his work on the ship, nothing else, pride was more costly than he thought, it was, and would be more so, I told myself, that in the future, it would take a toll on him: but working on ships, other than story telling what could he do, I suppose it was a dreadful state of mind to be in, trying to see where he fit in, a condition of anxiety, and story telling was part of his trips, he never read much, perhaps couldn’t.
“The day he left he was more quiet than usual, and I had turned out to be his unpleasant companion. I even told him as we walked down to the shore, ‘Your recluse life on those ships is making you insane.’
“But I knew he was dreaming of those far-off tropic isles, the hard blue waves of the sea, life under the unmoving sun, it was life at its best for him, it was in a way his medicine, if only he could curve his alcohol intake on these adventures of his, he did while staying with me, but the ills of ship life and the world at large, would surely have an impact on him. I find as a woman, we are always trying to be the caretaker of the man we love, my mother does it with my father, and most of the folks I see do it that way, and now here I am doing it also. What can I say?”

Letter Four: 1860

“It’s been a year Judith since my last letter; I keep putting them on top of one another, saving them for when you get older. We will be going to Stockbridge this year, pretty soon. I think I will write about your father’s death, it was an abrupt surprised for me to say the least.
“He was found on the streets of Nantucket of all places, in 1853, you were only a year old then, plus a few months. He had only been gone no more than six-months, and when found on the streets he was delirious, in need of immediate assistance, according to the man who found him—he was hurt, he had fallen over a wooden fence, and punctured his back somewhat, how he came to this drunken condition is all speculation of course, but it is just a matter of fact, drunks do not need to look for disaster, it follows them. He was slightly coherent, long enough to call out a name, before he died, whom exactly he was referring to is unclear, he was in a state of ‘doublespeak’ he wanted to avoid I feel the secret of his love, be it me or his ship it was obscure speech.
“To my understanding, the word he called out sounded like ‘The Amanita, or Amelia’ there was a ship called Amanita, but it was out to sea, and not due for another week.
“Be that as it may, he died it was said of congestion of the brain, coupled with alcoholism. They said, the doctors said, and a few town folks who had seen him in the local bars a few weeks prior to his death, he had the tremors, delirium, his heart wasn’t working right, he fell to his keens a few times.
“I of course arrived too late to be with him, the moment before he expired, perhaps it was best, it would have been quite trying on me.

Letter Five: 1861

“His death did not put me in a stupider, I had you. If anything, I’d have a lot of stories also to tell you Judith, when you got older. We had moved to Stockbridge, and lived now close to your grandparents. I also figured I’d not marry while raising you, it seemed to me, the very image of another man’s property, as Cotton Mather might put it, so is a child, the new father sure enough would not treat you as his own. Plus, I got an allowance from your grandparents, Ernest Cleland was his name, and he was a good lawyer in his youth in Boston, and had written some books, and the sale of them made him a small fortune; books on law.
“And to carry this one more step forward, I do believe the prophecy is true, once married to a man who does not command you, he becomes greatly perplexed, as did your father at times, trying to treat me as an old beggar-woman, and thus, it is best he is gone, lest you be a little beggar-child.
“But what I really wanted to say was when I wrote my father back in ’51, he begged me not to marry Gideon, he tried everything to persuade me different, sent me money, and said he’d support me and you. He called Gideon contamination. Oh I didn’t like his wording at the time, but his words would turnout to be true. How foolish we become when we are infatuated with love…one can’t see the trees in front of the forest, nor what is beyond it.
“I did love his tough, structured mutineer mannerisms, I think every woman does, they just got to realize such men are to be played with, for they are not tameable.

“Many of his stories were of dead sailors coming back as ghosts, subduing the sailors within the ship, and knife fights, in the middle of the night; stabbing and cutting one’s throat. You never quite knew what was real or unreal.
“He would tell me about the South Seas, that all those whales they captured and brought back, their oil supplied Nantucket with fuel for lamps, and therefore illuminated the night, and as for the baleen that is around the whale’s mouth, it was sold and used for women’s corsets, hairbrushes, buggy whips, such things that had previously never occurred to me. In his own world he was very smart.
“All in all, it was a lucrative business I gathered, made many a ports rich, he said, but I knew it was a rough and dangerous life.
“Now I will explain to you the story he told me prior to finding him on the beach, and I shall paraphrase him to the best of my ability:
“The crew and I, he said, took our boats, whaleboats, in pursuit of the objective, which was to harpoon the prey, he successfully speared his whale—not seeing the other two boats in sight, he figured they went after the other two whales, there was three spotted—and I knew in my heart we’d be treated to a …sleigh ride, meaning, that the whale was going to, and did, drag the hunters in that little boat, through the sea, as if on a safari. Then he went onto say, we lost sight of the ship, and as it turned to crash (the whale) us, I escaped, that being after five-hours of drudgery, in the open sea with a mad whale, that was spouting blood, and the mother ship nowhere in sight. It was late, perhaps 9:00 p.m., and he was left adrift. He claimed the whale was a big one, you know, like that Moby Dick, story Melville wrote back in ’51. He said it would have produced a lot of blubber to boil down to oil. He said the whale would have brought some 300-barrols of material; when a normal whale brings in about 150. I think with Gideon, you have to sort out the truth, from fiction.
“Let me continue, the whale was a mile off, it was one huge whale, as I just mentioned, and when we got close to it, or near enough for me to harpoon it, our blood was stirring with eagerness, wherewith to fill the ship’s galley, and hold with whale oil galore.
“We headed after one of the three, I was the oarsman, I held them at a peak, I rose he said, and plunged the harpoon into its flesh, and I did make his spout blood that was when he turned about, turned into us most furiously. The boat spun tossing us all into the air.
“The other two loose boats may have returned to the ship, I never knew.

The Confession
((End Chapters) (not a letter))

“Now I must tell you face to face the hardest truth you will ever endure, and likewise, myself, one I did not write in the book, one I was not going to tell you.
“One afternoon, when the sun was going down, I saw your father, Gideon Asa Scott, standing drunk outside a door of an Inn, in Nantucket; it was in October, of 1853. He had but to lift his eyes, and there I was plainly to be seen, though for him in his drunken stupor, miles away, perhaps with the sunshine brightening on some tropical island.
“And what did he have to say, “Where is the Amoral-Mather,” a ship he was waiting for, the captain’s name being Amoral, and he, like myself, adored Cotton Mather and his works, so he named his ship that. You see he had been on Nantucket for three months; and was only at sea for three months. Some of my good friends, such as Dorothea, a long time friend, was seeing him, he was staying with her. He thought I was her at first, after he called out the name of the ship. Then he recognized me, and was quite uncomfortable, we walked up the hill past the church, to the old meeting house, along the hillside, I love those long and gentle slopes.
“The night was not populous, no one congregated at the meeting house—it was built in the late 1600s, I leaned against the fence, and it broke, and so we moved farther down and leaned on a different section—I had picked up a piece of wood to fiddle with, almost unconsciously. In short, we were having a moderate conversation; his face seemed like always, to be made of stone. He listened, but didn’t hear, he was more a work of nature, than a human being, I dare to say. (Judith looks at her mother puzzled, as if to say, what is all this, where is she going with all this; her mother is starting to tremble.)
“For a while—within the perfectly still night, not a neighbour about, he was in a good mood, there appeared a short lived majestic playfulness in him, then abruptly, he wanted to leave, and I knew where to, Dorthea’s house, and when the Amoral-Mather came in, then back out to sea.
“His back was to me, I remembered now, I had picked up a thin piece of wood from the broken part of the fence, it was old dried up wood, sharp at the tip like a knife, a small harpoon to my mind at the time, grey with age, about five inches long, he was just the proper distance, precisely to stab, as if he was the whale himself, he seemed to me as an enormous giant standing in front of me with his back—a human Moby Dick, as if shunning me, overlooking me as being insufficient. The reason he did not want to make love to me was that I was showing with child, you Judith. I was the talk of Nantucket, that was one reason, I did not want to leave the island, and why I did not want to go to Stockbridge until you got older, so I could tell them my husband was a sailor, and died in the course of his duties on a ship. Matter of fact, I knew the story so well of how he swam for hours in the open sea, that I was going to tell that story, with a few amendments.
“In any case, he and I were no longer a happy lot, I said to myself at that moment: it seemed unfair, positively unfair for him to be alive and do what he felt like doing and having no regard for anyone else’s feelings, that he could hurt at will, and have no penance to pay; he was guilt free: his whole being, just illuminated the clouds over my head with black vapour, I could only think of retribution, and not allow him to glorify the devil and his works any longer, infusing no more tenderness into my life, or anyone’s life for that matter. So I leaped forward, and with all my force, plunged the danger like object through the midsection of his back, I thrust the piece of wood into him, like Abraham was going to do to Isaac, but I did it.”

“Mother,” said Judith, with an even toned voice, while her mother let out a great long sigh of relief, “what did he cry out to the authorities?”
“My dear, you’re not dreadfully angry with me, your countenance says you’re not?” asked Amelia.
Eagerly inquired Judith the second time, “Please tell me what his words were, his last words?”
“Well, ok, the authorities said it sounded like the “Amoral-Mather,” but I was there, I had left and someone found him, and on his dying bed, I had to return, caught or not, and he said, ‘Amelia, murderer!’ but the words were slurred, they came out distorted, and the authorities could not believe such words would come out of his mouth I suppose so it was overlooked, but Dorothea knew what he had said, she was there before me, but she did not disclose my name, in fear of whatever, perhaps, shame for her, or our old friendship, to be mended—I mean dead is dead, and he was no more to her, than she was to him, a think to be used, they both complimented each other’s needs. Whatever the case, it was affirmed and documented as a matter of a deadly assault, and the weapon was gone, I took the piece of wood, and no one was the wiser, they figured he may even have fallen down drunk against the fence, and staggered to and fro, and the fence unintentionally killed him. So there were a few theories, but they went along with the first because he was a short distance away from the cracked part of the fence. But the case was never persuaded beyond that”

Judith’s Curiosity

“What did you think mother, after you killed him?” asked Judith.
“By the time I came to, out of some hasty fog, I found myself looking at a poor almost dead old man, much older looking than the time he spent earth, and who was going buried him once he did die, because he hadn’t died yet; perhaps the church or state: and the strangest part of the whole thing was, that his mammon, or his means to survival, which interwoven into his body and spirit, his very existence, had disappeared before me, his death was leaving nothing of him but residue on the walk, as I said, he was old before his time, wrinkled with yellow skin. Melting away in front of me, there was no longer a striking resemblance of the heroic man I thought I knew, betwixt, the ignoble features of this sailor and that majestic glow that was under his eyelid, when he first saw me, was gone, I was although magnificently curious about his face, a mountain of a face, the longer I looked at it, it ceased to honour himself. Who will now honour him in our lifetime I asked me, not me, nor you, nor Dorothea, nor the sailors on the ship, they will drink a toast to him, and say once and for all, farewell. And quietly be consigned to forgetfulness. I will be the only one, and perhaps you Judith, that once in a while will think of him,
“Whatever he was noted for in life, history will not remember him or it, that is what I thought, when I stood over this war-worn veteran, infirmed with age, weary of life’s turmoil, no purpose of returning to life once expired, even if given a chance. As I approached him, looked over him, bent to see his hands and back and neck and profile, beseeching a blessing on the good things he did, so maybe he will be sent to limbo, to right his wrongs, I felt next to anxiousness to get away. I knew soon after, people would congregate about this happening, call it a grand and awful thing…
“He never stepped aside for anyone or from his own path for anyone, but I still wanted my blessing to reach him.”

“In answer to your question mother: it’s a good story, but so very old though, that even the Indians, who formerly inhabited the island, the forefathers, you might say, would never take it seriously. I’d rather believe he was the noblest personage of his time, who got lost at sea, doing his duty—thus, this concludes mother my curiosity, so let’s finish tea.”

Afterward (Narrator): Of her (Miss Amelia Cleland) selected collection of strange, rare letters she saved for twenty years, forbidding her daughter to see them, on subjects of her relationship with Gideon Asa Scott, I’d be glad to share more, enough to have you hate them both, but I have a responsibility to a certain sense, not to drag a bundle of nerves like they both had down to a madness, although I shall slip in a few things that took place after the letters were read, and a few years passed.
I tell you, you can’t imagine what the feeling was for good ole Gideon, laying on the ground half drunk, with a five inch knife, an item sharp as a knife, a piece of wood stuck in you, puncturing a lung. I promised my wife to keep you informed over the letters, but to only share the necessary ones, ‘…enough is enough,’ she said, we don’t have to reach the center of the earth you know, with gore. Because in truth, she stuck him several times in the back, she had no remorse, and as you know, her daughter, is much like the mother, to a certain degree. Therefore if I seemed desperately anxious to close this case, it is because my wife when it comes to gory things, she can be inflexible, obdurate.
As this can be remembered, for what it is, though I no longer know exactly, I pieced this story together when I was in Stockbridge, and Nantucket, in 1999, and rewrote it recently, did some research, heard the beginnings of a story, and had to imagine how it ended, and had to fill in the gaps. Oh it is all mine, don’t get me wrong, but much truth interwoven in it.
The story was all discolored from age, and the gravestone that bears Gideon’s name was likewise.
In the lone silence of those long nights after Amelia told her daughter the true story, Judith’s mind conceived the most ghastly fantasies and illusions, nightmares, and even in her room made a grotesque shrine to her father. It was all too much for her, consequently she lived in a shadowy world thereafter, lurking in the dark halls at night; constantly consulting her time piece.
“What are you hearing Judith?” asked Amelia one evening, as she noticed her daughter talking to herself (1875); she said “I’m hearing a voice; it seems to be my father’s.”
“And…” Amelia asked “what did the voice inquire?”
“To be left in alone, in peace, that you were back down to the cemetery, and you pulled back the slab of concrete over his tomb, he said, there was nothing else you could do to him, that he did not want to talk to you so he came to me, to tell you to leave him be.”

She kept on hearing that voice, it was deep and hollow, awakening, remote and unearthly, inhuman, what more can I say, it was a dead man’s voice. And Amelia would not listen to Judith’s request, made via Gideon, and Judith, was experiencing a petrified life, and the haunting voice of her father. Thus, one evening she committed suicide, I need not say how, that is the gory part, the part my wife doesn’t care to see in this story. Perhaps it was Gideon’s revenge on Amelia. And all I know beyond that is she lived to a very old age, and alone, some times screaming for Gideon to talk to her, and sometimes pleading Judith to do the same, but all she got was silence.

Written in Lima, Peru, 4, 5 and 6 of February, 2009


Sunday, February 01, 2009

Poetic Review on: Phillip Ellis, Macabre Poet of Australia

Poetic Review on: Phillip Ellis, Macabre Poet of Australia

Although best known in Australia, for his eldritch style poetic voice, Phillip Ellis (whom now is becoming international), is by nature and choice, a true young poet; he shows us the transcendent world, as did Edgar Allen Poe, in his poetry, and uses imagery like George Sterling. Some of his poetry, superb verse, is in line with Robert E. Howard, whom to me was a better poet than a novelist. I have read in these past three or four years much of his poetry, and the omnibus collection he has recently published “The Flayed Man,” I am waiting eagerly to receive in the mail to read: which I’m sure will become in time a classic in its genre, and sought after for its First Edition series. He might be considered a parallel to Clark A. Smith, Samuel Loveman, or H.P. Lovecraft (or all three), in that, he steps into the science fiction and fantasy world of verse, to metaphysical and psychological depths. Here he mixes the world of the hopeless with the world on its way to hopelessness. He shows us what is left to be exposed, graphed and investigated. Once read, ultimate beauty can be found, along with haunting, and profoundly pessimism dragged to the dark side of the conqueror. Much of his poetry lingers in the macabre: thus, here one can find the timeless gift of restless poetic moments. He is not for everyone, but surely is for the selected readers of this class, that has an immortal romantic path.

Perhaps the end product of Mr. Ellis’ poetry might be put this way: he offers the reader compelling thoughts on his world, society, and philosophy, and once read they are hard to be dismissed.